The Sweetest MINI Supply Box


Meet your sweetest supplier in our new MINI size for all those cravings! The Sweet Supply Box is the perfect box to add some extra sweetness into your life!

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Meet your sweetest supplier in our new MINI size for all those cravings! The Sweet Supply Box is the perfect box to add some extra sweetness into your life!

Meet your sweetest supplier in our new MINI size for all those cravings! The Sweet Supply Box is the perfect box to add some extra sweetness into your life!

4x Zlatni Puffs

4x Assorted mix of Slatki infused with Jam, Nutella & Biscoff

3x Walnut Keksa

*Contains Walnuts

*Vegetarian, Vegan and Halal Friendly

*Contact us for any allergy questions

*Subject to availability items may have to be replaced with another item of equal value & similar

The Sweet Supply Box
The Sweet Infused Box
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The Sweetest MINI Infused Box